Front Row: Judy Beckley, Susan Jones, Rich Parsons; Back Row: Chuck Tribett, Eric Parsons, Rhonda Mason, Norman Rhodes.
The Gospel Troubadours were a Gospel music group from Washington Lands United Methodist Church (Moundsville, WV) during the late 1990s.
These songs are some of the ones we performed and recorded in my music room on my 4-track recorder. We titled it “Jubilee.” That is, no digital recording or repair. Just us, singing/playing around.
The group consisted of Susan Jones, soprano; Judy Beckley, alto; Chuck Tribett, tenor; Rich Parsons, bass; Rhonda Mason, piano; Norman Rhodes, guitar; and, Eric Parsons, bass guitar.
Uncovering these songs after so many years makes me laugh, cry, and just count my blessings. The opportunity to sing and play with these wonderful people, some moved away and some passed on, was among the special highlights in my life. I am eternally grateful.