In celebration of 25 years of songwriting

With special thanks to Cumberland Valley School of Gospel Music, Gospel Heritage Music, Andy Browning Music and Ben Speer’s Stamps-Baxter School of Music for their support over the years and for their commitment to excellence in Gospel Music, “Heading Home” is a songbook featuring twenty-two previously released songs from these fine publishers as well as five new songs and five new choruses all written by songwriter Susan Jones.
Also available, a piano accompaniment CD featuring 15 songs from “Heading Home” as performed by pianist Jason Vaughan.
Song and piano track samples can be previewed in the Listening Room.
Songbook: $5
CD Piano Tracks: $20 (includes one free songbook)
Family pack: $32 (4 songbooks and 1 accompaniment CD)
Choral pricing: 1 free songbook with every four purchased (5 songbooks for $20)
Visit our online store
Digital download of piano tracks also available for $1/song. (Contact us)