Candles Extinguish One by One as You Journey to Black Friday
An interactive musical program for worship leaders, choir and congregation.

IN THE SHADOW OF THE CROSS is a musical program that can be separated into seven sessions, one for each Sunday of Lent and Black/Good Friday, or presented as a complete program with a run time of approximately 30 minutes.
The program focuses on the last days of Jesus’s life in Jerusalem leading up to the crucifixion. The readings are themed “shadows” of conspiracy, sadness, temptation, betrayal, denial, death and darkness. The choral pieces included are old hymn texts of the early church revived and set to common tunes.
The anthems are arranged for easy rehearsals regardless of choir size, but especially designed with 2-part/SAB church choirs in mind.
Each extinguishing of a candle includes a scripture reading, a reflective reading, a musical congregational response and a choral anthem. Now available on Amazon. ($7.00)

Lenten Tones
A Unique Lenten Worship Program

LENTEN TONES is a worship tool that includes ten object lessons for the Lenten season and Holy Week. Each lesson includes a theme, a color, and an object to go along with a scripture, reflection, prayer and congregational response. Lessons are generally five to ten minutes in length and fit easily within a worship service. The focus is to draw closer to God through reflecting on our weaknesses and leaning on His strength. The themes include reconciliation, purity, hope, truth, light, love, dominion, service, sacrifice, and new life.
Now available on Amazon ($15)