If You're Going to Make a Mistake...

"If You're Going to Make a Mistake..." is a collection of 20 life lessons captured by Susan Jones as they played out in various music classrooms around the country.

The featured teachers include Ron Warren, Judy Beckley, Jennie Parker, Harry Sacco, Ed Parshall, Ron Rose, Rosa Nell Powell, Ben Speer, Jack Clark, Harold Lane, Eugene McCammon, Vestal Goodman, G.T. Speer, and J.D. Sumner.

ISBN: 978-0-9905890-6-8
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"If You're Going to Make a Mistake..." is a collection of 20 life lessons captured by Susan Jones as they played out in various music classrooms around the country.


Weight: .15 lbs
Dimensions: 6x6x.25 in
Default shipping: $5.00